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Client: Gearbox Software
Game: Borderlands
Creation Brought to Life: Gentleman Claptrap
We extended the line of Claptrap robots to include the next generation – the Gentleman Claptrap. The pre-order sold out immediately and thus became another treasured collectible for the franchise.
Remote-controlled, Wi-Fi-enabled, driven by a custom smartphone app
15.6" H x 9.4" W x 8.4" D, 7 lbs.
Hand-painted ABS with PVC posable arms and rubber tire
Gyro technology (dual wheel design represented as a single wheel gyro – staying true to the Claptrap character) that simulates character actions from the game
Onboard camera that streams content to your mobile device
Over 15 audio clips of on-demand character quotes as well as the user's voice through the app

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