Client: Gearbox Software
Game: Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
Creation Brought to Life: Remote-Control Claptrap Robot
For years, Gearbox wanted to bring their most famous character, the incorrigible Claptrap, to life in a limited-edition offering. But they simply didn’t believe it was realistic to create a remote-control version that could do the character justice. But we did. The Borderlands: The Handsome Collection Claptrap-In-A-Box features a fully RC robot that uses PXCB Gyro Technology to balance on one wheel. It also sees. And talks. And is the envy of the gaming world. Check him out now!!
Remote control, Wi-Fi enabled replica robot driven by a custom smartphone app
Hand-painted ABS shell with PVC posable arms and rubber tire
Gyro technology that simulates character actions from game
Built-in camera that streams content to your mobile device
On-demand character quotes and can record and replay the user's voice
See Also: Gentleman Claptrap RC